
Our Works & Project Activities


The Official Launch of the Proposed Construction of the Cheesemanburg Landfill

The Official Launch of the Proposed Construction of the Cheesemanburg Landfill

The official launch for the construction of the proposed Cheesemanburg Regional Landfill is scheduled for November 10, 2022, at 10:30 am at the landfill site in Cheesemanburg Township.

The Official Launch for the Construction of the Proposed Cheesemanburg Regional Landfill

The Official Launch for the Construction of the Proposed Cheesemanburg  Regional Landfill

The official launch for the construction of the proposed Cheesemanburg Regional Landfill kickoff on November 10, 2022, at 10:30 am at the landfill site in Cheesemanburg Township.

The CLUS Project Impact on Cheesemanburg Public School

The CLUS Project Impact on Cheesemanburg Public School

The CLUS Project on September 13, 2022, carried out a site visit at the proposed landfill in Cheesemanburg where construction will commence soon to substitute the already depleted existing landfill at Whein Town. During the visit, the project went to towns that are in close proximity to the proposed landfill and had a brief engagement with residents on the commencement of work at the site. The project also identified with school-going kids at the Cheesemanburg Public School and distributed copy books, pencils, and other school materials.

The Presentation Outlining Master Plan for the Construction of the Cheesemanburg Landfill

The Presentation Outlining Master Plan for the Construction of the Cheesemanburg Landfill

The first phase of the Cheesemanburg Landfill construction is set to commence in the shortest possible time. The contractor (Constar JV) presented to the MCC, PCC, and PIU staff the master plan designed for the landfill, which the first phase is scheduled to be completed in 15 months. Senior Solid Expert Mr. Pieter Smuts provided some in-depth explanations on the technical portion of the plan that beneficiaries (MCC and PCC) need to take into consideration for appropriate management of the landfill.

PPE Distributed to Whein Town Landfill Staff

PPE Distributed to Whein Town Landfill Staff


CLUS Project Safeguard and MCC Environmental Health conduct chemical spraying training

CLUS Project Safeguard and MCC Environmental Health conduct chemical spraying training

In collaboration with the Environmental Health Department, the Safeguard conducted a one-day chemical spraying training in the conference room at the Monrovia City Corporation on Lynch and UN Drive. The training brought together residents from project-affected communities and staff of MCC stationed at the three facilities (Fiamah, Stockton Creek and Whein Town). At the end of the training, spraying cans were distributed to all stakeholders as means to control pests in their communities and facilities.

Paynesville City Corporation received PPEs donation from World Bank, European Union, and Partners through the CLUS Project

Paynesville City Corporation received PPEs donation from World Bank, European Union, and Partners through the CLUS Project

As the rainy season approaches and intensifies, the World Bank, European Union, and Partners saw the urgent needs and donated massive Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the Paynesville City Corporation through the CLUS Project for onward distribution to workers that are sacrificing under the heavy downpour of rain.  The consignments were received with enthusiasm, providing hope and relief to the corporation during this period of the rainy season. The HR who received the PPEs thanked the donors for the timely intervention and used the opportunity to restrengthen the relationship between the corporation and donors. 

Tricycles Donated to PCC for household solid waste collection

Tricycles Donated to PCC for household solid waste collection

In an effort to minimize the huge piles of solid waste on most streets in the city of Paynesville, a massive fleet of tricycles was turnover to Paynesville City Corporation by the World Bank, European Union, and Partners to collect household waste. This fleet of tricycles is among several other donations made earlier to support the vision of the city in terms of solid waste collection. Mayor Pam Belcher Taylor is absolutely overwhelmed by the donation, and she vowed that her city will continue to partner with the donors to get the city of Paynesville Clean, Green, and Safe.

Donation of Solid Waste Equipment to PCC

Donation of Solid Waste Equipment to PCC

The World Bank in collaboration with the European Union and partners donates tipper trucks and caterpillar to Paynesville City Corporation through the Cheesemanburg Landfill Urban Sanitation (CLUS) Project for the collection of solid waste in Paynesville and its surroundings. This donation will boost the effort of the corporation to solve some of the already challenging problems when it comes to removing waste from the city. The mayor (Hon. Pam Belcher Taylor) lauded the donors for their timely donation and constant support to the city waste sector. She further stated that the equipment will go a long way in assisting the corporation to remove the huge piles of waste in strategic locations of the city. Thanks to the World Bank, European Union, and partners, and not forgetting our hardworking CLUS project who had made it possible for us to receive this worthy donation, say Mayor Taylor.

Grievance Redress Mechanism Committee Strategic Meeting

Grievance Redress Mechanism Committee Strategic Meeting

As a way to actively participate in grievance uptake, conflict resolution, and reporting, CLUS Project Communication and Safeguard Officers held a strategic meeting with the Grievance Redress Committee at Cheesemanburg, Fiamah, and Stockton Creek.

Training and Awareness on Hygiene/Health Safety to Muslim Communities

Training and Awareness on Hygiene/Health Safety to Muslim Communities

After a training on SWM and best health/hygiene practices. Members of the Islamic community received sanitary materials from the CLUS Project in Fiamah, Stockton Creek, and Whein Town areas respectively.

Awareness on Hygiene/Health Safety to Churches

Awareness on Hygiene/Health Safety to Churches

As part of its community engagement strategies, the PIU/CLUS Project carried out a massive awareness campaign on hygiene/health safety and solid waste management practices to various churches in the project communities. The PIU distributed essential sanitary materials for SWM practices in three (3) project areas (Fiamah, Stockton Creek, and Whein Town).

Communities and Schools engagement on Public Health and Safety Measure

Communities and Schools engagement on Public Health and Safety Measure

In an effort to curb the calamitous pandemic (Covid Variant), the CLUS Project held several engagements with schools and community dwellers on public health and safety measures. The weeklong campaigns were geared toward spreading messages on health safety measures and proper Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices. At the end of the training session, some assorted sanitary materials for SWM practices were distributed to schools within the Project Communities (Fiamah, Stockton Creek as well as Whein Town Landfill).  At least Five Hundred (500) participants benefitted. For their part, the beneficiaries extended thanks and look forward to more engagements and opportunities. 

MCC CLUS Project Sites Visitation (New Project Coordinator and Team)

MCC  CLUS Project Sites Visitation (New Project Coordinator and Team)

CLUS Project Coordinator, Atty. Edwin D. Johnson along with MCC visited various Solid Waste Transfer Stations to identify challenges posed by the operations at the sites and communities. Atty. Johnson expressed his enthusiasm to improve the system as he goes along.

New Project Coordinator Induction Ceremony

New Project Coordinator Induction Ceremony

Atty. Edwin D. Johnson, CLUS Project new Coordinator being installed into office. Staff from the office of the Mayor, the Directorates of Internal Operations and Services Program of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) attended the occasion. Performing the installation ceremony, Mr. Abraham B. Y. Jusu Garneo, Director General-Services Program encouraged the New Project Coordinator to work conscientiously in ensuring the deliverables of the project are met

Landfill Bulldozer Procured for the MCC/Whein Town Sanitary Landfill Site

Landfill Bulldozer Procured for the MCC/Whein Town Sanitary Landfill Site

Content coming soon

Donation of COVID-19 Related Supplies to the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC)

Donation of COVID-19 Related Supplies to the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC)


Paynesville, Liberia: July 7, 2020 - We extolled the World Lebanese Culture Union for the donation of 5000 Surgical Nose Masks to the City of Paynesville.

In a communication to Mayor E. Pam Belcher-Taylor, Mr. Ahmed Wazni, Chairman of World Lebanese Culture Union in Liberia said, the donation is in recognition of Mayor Taylor and her esteemed team many sacrifices and support in the transformation of Paynesville.

Mayor Taylor and Paynesville City Manager, Stanley Y. Zahn received the Nose Masks on behalf of the City.

The Nose Masks are expected to be distributed to hospitals and clinics in our City who are in dying need of Surgical Nose Masks.

"Transforming Our City"

1 of 3 Water Kiosks Constructed in Whein Town for the Provision of Clean & Safe Drinking Water

1 of 3 Water Kiosks Constructed in Whein Town for the Provision of Clean & Safe Drinking Water


Paynesville, Liberia: July 18, 2020 - The City of Paynesville in partnership with Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
will on Saturday, July 18, 2020 launch a ten day cleanup exercise in three communities in Paynesville.

The ten days UNDP-SEED project will bring at risk youth from Gobachop, King Gray and Mount Barclay communities.

At this point, we extolled CAFOD for donation of 2 Skip Buckets, 27 Litter Bins, 20 Shovels, 100 Stick Brooms, 250 Nose Masks,150 Whippers, 100 Aprons and 209 Empty bags.

Ceremony Marking the handing over of COVID Supplies to the Monrovia City Corporation

Ceremony Marking the handing over of COVID Supplies to the Monrovia City Corporation


Paynesville, Liberia: Over the weekend a 40 foot container with Park equipment, rice and clothing has arrived in our City.

Brooklyn Park City Council donated the Park equipment to the City Government of Paynesville.

The donation of the equipment followed intense lobby by Mayor E. Pam Belcher-Taylor and Team with the full City Council of Brooklyn Park in United States of America late 2019.

The Park equipment which cost thousands of United States dollars will be used at designated sites in Paynesville.

The City Government of Paynesville has acknowledged the efforts of the Mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota Jeffery Lunde, Councilman Wynfred Russell and the entire City Council for the gifts to people of Paynesville.

We extolled the contribution of Hon. Jackson K. George, Jr. at the Liberian Consulate in Minnesota, USA.

We are also grateful to the Mayor Jeff Thompson of Paynesville, Minnesota and Liberians residing in Minnesota USA for their contributions to the City of Paynesville.

"Transforming Our City"